Having just purchased a digital camera (the Canon A570 IS), I must say that this little device sounds pretty freakin' sweet. I could see this helping many, many people.
Review: Eye-Fi Adds Wi-Fi to Almost Any Digital Camera
1 hour ago
:set number will put line numbers along the left side of a window
:help number
:set nu
:se nu
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
ip addr add address/prefixlength dev interface
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
ifconfig interface address netmask netmask
netsh interface ip set address interface static address netmask
ifconfig interface add address/prefixlength
ifconfig interface inet6 address prefixlen prefixlength
ifconfig interface inet6 address prefixlen prefixlength
ifconfig interface inet6 address prefixlen prefixlength
ifconfig interface inet6 plumb up
ifconfig interface inet6 addif address address
ifconfig interface inet6 address prefixlen prefixlength
netsh interface ipv6 add address interface static address/prefixlength
Sub RemoveHyperlinks()
Remove all hyperlinks from the active sheet
End Sub
[root@server /root]# cmd 1>outfile.txt 2>&1
IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command
IF [NOT] string1==string2 command
IF [NOT] EXIST filename command